Monday, March 30, 2020

Chemistry in the Arts: Glow Sticks and Other Science-Based Toys

Chemistry in the Arts: Glow Sticks and Other Science-Based ToysGlow sticks and other science-based toys are made with glow products to make their purpose as easy as possible. It is a very great experience for kids to see the glow sticks in action, since children will naturally be attracted to bright lights. As a result, children can take advantage of the activity in ways they never could without using glow sticks or any other glowing toy.It can be really fun to create science fiction effects for glow sticks. You can either choose to make science fiction movies, or create your own short movie with the aid of glow sticks.When it comes to the creation of glow sticks, there are a number of ways you can do it. You can choose to make a short film that involves a magic wand, but there are other ways to use glow sticks as well. You can experiment with scuba diving, fire dancing, parachute jumping, as well as many other interesting actions.When you are doing science experiments with glow stic ks, you should also be sure to include it in a biology project. You can do this by using a mix of glow sticks and some seaweed and have it glow under a fluorescent light. It can be truly educational.A great way to make science projects for glow sticks can be to get some of the different types of markers you can find online and set up a science experiment using a glow stick. The challenge would be to pick out the different types of markers and make them dance across the surface of the glow stick. In order to make the light source as realistic as possible, you may want to purchase some neon colored markers and have the child perform a special glow stick light demonstration.Another great science experiment that can be performed with glow sticks can be to have the child create a science experiment by making their own energy star. They will need to have lots of glow sticks, which will produce the bright light effect. Then they will need to place one stick on the ground, and then move it about a few times until a real energy star appears.You can also experiment with glow sticks and work on various experiments involving other people and how you can complete your projects, if you wish. Experimenting with color and appearance is an important part of creating science fiction. Just imagine how a human can actually appear to glow in the dark, and then having your picture appear as a glowing glow stick.Science fiction will never be the same again once glow sticks and other glow toys become a part of your child's life. Once your child sees science come to life through glowing objects and creatures, it will definitely cause the curiosity to grow. Now that your child will be able to share this exciting experience with friends and family, you can even begin to learn about science with your child by participating in a science experiment together.

Friday, March 6, 2020

College Application Decisions Food for Thought?

College Application Decisions Food for Thought? College Application Decisions Now that all high school seniors have handed in their applications, they have a short break to relax and use their college prep time for other pursuits. Of course, many seniors will be taking advanced placement tests in May but that is still relatively far away.                     img via Before jumping into the May test prep season, seniors should take some time to thoughtfully plan out where they might want to go to college (assuming they are accepted everywhere). Early Action and Early Decision students may know whether or not theyve been accepted relatively soon but the majority of students have a couple of months to sit and ponder before any acceptances or rejections arrive in the mail. Choosing Where to Apply Although it often seems the second semester of senior year is relatively easy, deciding where to attend university is one of the biggest decisions they can make and it can potentially influence the rest of their life. Although students can change their minds later on and transfer to another school, the simplest path is to pick a four-year university and stick to it (READ: Navigating the Basics of the College Application Process). Hopefully, the majority of students out there applied to around 10 colleges. This is not a hard and fast number but it does provide for more choices. Some students, especially legacy students, will know exactly where they want to go to school. If they get into the University of First Choice, they know where they are going. However, many students need to contemplate what would be best for their future education and lifestyle. Starting with ideals and adding in doses of reality later is often a good way to make a final decision. Ideally, students shouldnt think about cost, housing, details, distance from home, or anything else that may cloud the mind. This thought may narrow the choice to about two to three colleges. Many students find that, although they mostly applied to one type of university, perhaps they would like to go to another type. Students who are feeling overly confused about their decision, should consider a few important factors. 1. Students who are in anyway unsure of what they would like to study should make sure that they choose a university that accepts an ‘undecided’ major in the freshman year and boasts departments in almost every major field of study. 2. Students considering small liberal arts colleges should find out if that they can switch to a different major if possible. The majority of large public universities offer most majors and are often a safe choice. Some students will not have as many choices as others but it is still important for them to think about what type of environment they would like to immerse themselves in. Its a good idea at this point in the year for seniors to think about their target schools (READ: 8 Reasons Applicants Fail to Get Into the College of Their Choice). The target schools are the five or so schools that students are likely to get into but are not a sure thing. Taking some time to think about which of these universities will make them most happy will allow students to make an easy decision later on. Once acceptance letters arrive, there isn’t a large amount of time to make a decision so its a good idea to at least get a little farther in the thought process of choosing where to spend the next four years. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by TutorNerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about. College Application Decisions Food for Thought? College Application Decisions Now that all high school seniors have handed in their applications, they have a short break to relax and use their college prep time for other pursuits. Of course, many seniors will be taking advanced placement tests in May but that is still relatively far away.                     img via Before jumping into the May test prep season, seniors should take some time to thoughtfully plan out where they might want to go to college (assuming they are accepted everywhere). Early Action and Early Decision students may know whether or not theyve been accepted relatively soon but the majority of students have a couple of months to sit and ponder before any acceptances or rejections arrive in the mail. Choosing Where to Apply Although it often seems the second semester of senior year is relatively easy, deciding where to attend university is one of the biggest decisions they can make and it can potentially influence the rest of their life. Although students can change their minds later on and transfer to another school, the simplest path is to pick a four-year university and stick to it (READ: Navigating the Basics of the College Application Process). Hopefully, the majority of students out there applied to around 10 colleges. This is not a hard and fast number but it does provide for more choices. Some students, especially legacy students, will know exactly where they want to go to school. If they get into the University of First Choice, they know where they are going. However, many students need to contemplate what would be best for their future education and lifestyle. Starting with ideals and adding in doses of reality later is often a good way to make a final decision. Ideally, students shouldnt think about cost, housing, details, distance from home, or anything else that may cloud the mind. This thought may narrow the choice to about two to three colleges. Many students find that, although they mostly applied to one type of university, perhaps they would like to go to another type. Students who are feeling overly confused about their decision, should consider a few important factors. 1. Students who are in anyway unsure of what they would like to study should make sure that they choose a university that accepts an ‘undecided’ major in the freshman year and boasts departments in almost every major field of study. 2. Students considering small liberal arts colleges should find out if that they can switch to a different major if possible. The majority of large public universities offer most majors and are often a safe choice. Some students will not have as many choices as others but it is still important for them to think about what type of environment they would like to immerse themselves in. Its a good idea at this point in the year for seniors to think about their target schools (READ: 8 Reasons Applicants Fail to Get Into the College of Their Choice). The target schools are the five or so schools that students are likely to get into but are not a sure thing. Taking some time to think about which of these universities will make them most happy will allow students to make an easy decision later on. Once acceptance letters arrive, there isn’t a large amount of time to make a decision so its a good idea to at least get a little farther in the thought process of choosing where to spend the next four years. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by TutorNerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about.

Learn a Language on YouTube 14 Hacks for Success

Learn a Language on YouTube 14 Hacks for Success Learn a Language on YouTube: 14 Hacks for Success Everyone has problems.Money problems, job problems, life problems.Hopefully, youre able to solve most of them. Eventually.But in the meantime, learning a language shouldnt be one of your problems.Thats not to say that were living in some sort of fairy tale world where your ability to get a good nights sleep doesnt directly affect how much you can devote yourself to an ambition or hobby like language learning.But language learning shouldnt create any additional problems in your life.And if youre  learning a language with YouTube, it doesnt have to.Okay, so it might be an exaggeration to say that YouTube can prevent every language-learning problem there is.But it might also be completely accurate to say that YouTube is the single richest source of language learning material there is.Lets see why. Why Learn a Language with YouTube?It has nearly everything (movies, TV, language courses, etc.).  Because YouTube is capable of supporting video, its capable of supporting most types of medi a in some way. You can find audiobooks with text, material specially made for language learning and all kinds of authentic content.Its constantly being updated.  Theres always plenty of new content available, so you have a way of being exposed to current native language at all times. In fact, you can even use YouTube to learn languages through the news (see below).Its entertaining and accessible.  YouTube is by far one of the least painful resources for learning, as its accessible to anyone who has an internet connection. You probably also associate it with funny animal videos and lazy mornings rather than anything stressfulâ€"and thats great, because  cutting down on stress helps you learn better.Of course, these reasons dont actually explain how you learn languages with YouTube. Once you see that, youll probably be even more convinced. So lets get right into it.Learn a Language on YouTube: 14 Hacks for Success1. Bookmark or subscribe to channels hosting large catalogs of movies or TV.Two notable public domain film channels are the  Korean Film Archive channel  and  ???????? (Mosfilm), from the Russian film studio of the same name. Each of these host huge caches of free movies.For other languages, it may be easier to look at big media outlets. For example, the French-language RTS (Radio Télévision Suisse) channel hosts many segments that run about 20-30 minutes on a variety of subjects. BBC Mundo hosts short news videos that may be convenient for Spanish learners.To find a reliable source of movie or TV content on YouTube for your language, try googling [language] tv networks. Then search for one of the networks on YouTube. Chances are, youll be able to find one with quite a few videos.Having knowledge of a few authentic channels like this that regularly upload content to YouTube is a great place to start because it means youll always have authentic content to binge or practice with.2. Watch livestreaming news TV.More and more media outlets are adding live TV streams to YouTube, and thats another tool you should have in your arsenal. These are a little trickier to find than just big channels with uploaded content, but its worth it for the fact that you can simply watch these streams like regular TV, commercials and all.Here are some to check out. Note that the Euronews and Africanews dont run one continuous livestream, and CNN doesnt livestream 24/7, and as such, weve linked to their channel homes. Check the top of the main channel page for an updated linkâ€"itll have a red box with the words live now inside.ChineseCCTVCTiSpanishTNCNN en Español  French  Africanews  France 24GermanDWJapaneseJapaNews24Italianeuronews (in italiano)  QVC Italia (Shopping and entertainment)Russianeuronews (?? ???????)?????? 24  (Russia 24)?????? 24  (Moscow 24)KoreanYTN????TV (Yonhap News TV)3. Use FluentU.FluentU is a program that takes real YouTube videosâ€"like movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized l anguage lessons. While you can do all of the other activities were going to suggest in this post without FluentU, it makes everything easier.With FluentU, you get to learn through YouTube, but you dont have to wade through all the YouTube content out there to get to the good stuff. The program offers you a curated library of high-quality content thats been sorted according to level and given interactive subtitles.In addition, you get access to a variety of learning tools, including customized quizzes, vocab lists, audio clips, grammar explanations and multimedia flashcards.Throughout the rest of this post, weve included some links to FluentU videos so you can get an idea of what the selection is like. You can see what the videos look like with all the features through the free trial by visiting the FluentU homepage and signing up there.4. Search for video answers to any language questions you have.While you can definitely make authentic content your main learning resource, especiall y with the support of a system like FluentU, you may have questions from time to time that you need direct answers to. It can be helpful to have an exchange partner on hand to help you out, but you can also probably find answers to quite a few of your language questions right on YouTube.If youre an intermediate or advanced learner, youre more likely to have some idea of how to phrase your questions. So go ahead and do a YouTube search for the difference between por and para  or how the German genitive case works.Most learning channels split up their content into searchable videos, so youll probably find a video dedicated to your particular question. For example, your search about the genitive case might land you on a useful video from Learn German with Anja.If youre a beginning learner, you may want to seek out some YouTube content thats specially made for learners.  Here are some resources for structured courses you can try out and use as libraries for your question searches:Innova tive Language offers a variety of YouTube channels for various languages. You can sign up for more materials on their websites. Clicking any of the separate channels will take you to an array of videos. In addition to exploring the playlists, you can watch their 24/7 livestreams for learners, which can be found in the individual channels.Easy Languages  gives you conversational content for multiple languages. Many of their videos, which include real interactions with native speakers, are most appropriate for intermediate learners. However, they also have Super Easy options, like a Spanish video that takes place in a library.5. Watch trailers for upcoming movies.Search for movie trailers in your target language and youll find bite-sized material for regular language practice. Watching a full movie in your target language can be difficult to fit into your schedule, or it may not be as good for intensive listening practice. But a movie trailer is short enough that you can sit down with it and, depending on your learning level, work out anywhere from a few words to the whole thing.Movie trailers are meant to give you an intriguing sense of the plot, so see if you can work out the gist of a trailer, even if you dont catch all of the words in it. Then, try writing out in your target language what you think the movie is about.Another learning strategy you can use is searching for trailers for movies dubbed into your target language that youve already seen in your native language. See if you can work out all the dubbed language based on your knowledge of the movie.For example, if you really enjoyed Black Panther and youre learning Italian, you could check out the movies trailer in Italian.6. Look for playlists of funny commercials. See if you can follow the comments on them.As it turns out, humor in commercials is pretty universal (even if the humor itself isnt always), and people love compiling lists of funny ones. This makes for another great short-form learning res ource.Reading comments on funny videos also tends to be good reading practice, because people always have something to say about them, even if its just how hilarious they are.To find a playlist or compilation, search in your target language for funny commercials or even funniest commercials, because sometimes commercials are so awesome they deserve awards.Its worth mentioning that FluentU has an especially good selection of funny commercials and that you can still easily access all of them on the YouTube platform if you want to see the comments. You can also easily share them on social media. I had to show  this Korean commercial to my cousin and a friend immediately after seeing it for the first time because it was so bizarre I couldnt stop watching it.7. Find video reviews of books youve read. Leave comments.The beauty of this is that it doesnt matter if you choose a book that youve read in your native language or your target language, as long as its available in the target langua ge. You dont even have to be a big reader to make this work.Lets say youre learning French, read Wuthering Heights in high school and remember finding it intriguing. Go on Wikipedia and type in the novel name in English. Then, once you have the article up, change the language to French, and youll have your target language title:  Les Hauts de Hurlevent.  Plug that into a YouTube search, and youll find, for instance, a  French-language video about the book from Pinupapple Books.As you already have an idea of what the book is about, youll be able to better follow the commentary. You can then easily test your understanding of the video in a low-pressure way by responding in the comments section. Or, if you dont have anything in particular to say about the video, simply get some writing practice by explaining what you liked about the book.8. Look for audiobook versions of books youve read or videos of authors reading their work. Use these for dictation exercises.This works especially w ell with older public domain works.For example, lets say youre a Russian learner whos a fan of Gogols Dead Souls, and you already know that the original title in Russian is ??????? ????. Go ahead and type that into a YouTube search along with ?????????? (audiobook), and youre all set.For more contemporary authors, you may be better off looking for videos or audio recordings of writers reading their own work instead. For example, heres a video of  Julio Cortázar reading his poem Los Amantes (The Lovers).Once you have a recording of a work youre familiar with being read, try using it for a dictation exercise. Take a small clip (of about 30 seconds or so) and try to transcribe the recording word for word. Then, check your transcription against the text. If you do this regularly, even if its only every week or so, you may find your listening comprehension and general comprehension improving a lot.9. Search out videos of celebrities you like being interviewed. Use them for extensive lis tening practice.Whether its writers, actors, athletes or musicians, watching celebrities who speak your target language being interviewed is a great way to stay focused on your listening practice.Also, interviews tend to be good material for listening practice because theyre full of visual cues and more informal language. And theyre generally unscripted (or at least meant to look that way), so the person talking tends to speak slower, repeat themselves and rephrase their thoughts in different ways.If you dont already have something in mind, searching for interview with in your target language can get you a good handful of results (along with probably at least one video having something to do with Interview with the Vampire).Another advantage of using interviews for extensive listening practice is that they can be fairly long. For example, if youre learning French and are a big Stromae fan, you might enjoy an  approximately 26-minute RTS interview over your lunch break, and feel pret ty accomplished for having done so.10. Binge TED and TEDx videos. More extensive listening practice!TED and TEDx talk videos are also excellent for listening practice  but for different reasons. Because TED talks are planned out ahead of time and center around one specific subject, they use a logical order and allow you to follow along even if you miss significant chunks.You can also use talks for extensive reading practice, either alongside audio or with subtitles alone.  Heres  a breakdown of talks available in some form in various languages. If youre advanced enough in your target language, you can even volunteer to help  translate and transcribe more talks.To find talks that are originally in your target language, you can go right to YouTube. For Spanish, theres a  TED en Español channel  and for Russian, theres  TED ?? ??????? ?????.For other languages, you may be able to find playlists of talks. Here are some for common languages:GermanFrenchItalianChineseJapaneseBrazilian Po rtuguese11. Mine popular vlogs for multipurpose phrases.Watching vlogs is fun regardless of what you use them for. To find the most popular vloggers in your target language, scroll down on Social Blades list of top YouTubers and select your country of choice under Top 250 by Country.Channels with more views are often packed with scripted funny videos, which means you get stretches of smooth, deliberate audio. This is good for sentence and phrase mining. It can be especially useful to look for phrases that can be reused in different contexts. For example, if someone says, I need to go to the store, you can make note of that phrase, but blank out [store] and practice putting other words in its place.This is a very simple example, of course, and if possible, it may be best to focus on language thats somewhat idiomatic but also simple and versatile. For instance, if I were learning English, a phrase like Whats up with [that]? would be a good one.Its also good to focus on phrases that in clude prepositions  because preposition use can seem arbitrary in terms of how its employed even within a single language.12. If youre learning multiple languages, look for speakers of one language creating videos about another language/country.This may be more or less successful depending on the languages in question, but its worth a shot. For example, when I started learning Korean, I found that it was fun to maintain and enhance my (much better) knowledge of French by seeking out YouTubers who were French speakers living in Korea.If you search in your stronger target language for My life in [country that speaks your weaker target language], you may get lucky. Channels like this can still be a toss-up as far as how much language youre going to learn. But they can provide a lot of motivation and put you in the mindset of being more confident about your weaker language.Another strategy is to search for specific language questions and content about your weaker language in your strong er language. To take a broad example, lets say I think I might want to learn some common Korean sentences. I can search in French for phrases coréennes (Korean sentences). Among other results, I find Sebooms video of a French speaker teaching Korean sentence structure.This isnt even exactly what I was expecting to find, but now Ive got access to a channel that includes a whole playlist of Korean lessons in French.13. Find a video for a song you like and let YouTube choose related music for you.This seems simple enough but I mention it because Ive found that it can actually work surprisingly well for finding music across a language. And YouTube seems to work better for this than some popular streaming services like Pandora.You can, of course, start playing a video for a song in your target language that you already like and see what pops up under Whats Next and in the sidebar.But you can also just let YouTube run in the background while youre doing something else. This way, youre ge tting some casual language exposure, while also possibly finding some new artists to explore later. If something thats not in your target language pops up, you can just quickly nudge YouTube back on track. If you hear something you especially like, you can make note of what it is for later.If youre not familiar with any target-language music and need some help getting started, check out the iTunes International Charts on Pop Vortex.14. Follow easy recipe videos.Of course, if your language and cooking skills are both more advanced, the recipes you choose dont have to be easy. But not everyone is there yet. Some of us may want to start with something like an easy tuna-stuffed tomato recipe from Conmishijos.Now, I dont know about you, but I dont understand how anyone can follow a recipe video without first writing down the process. So really, I think its best to make this a two-step learning method that involves some dictation (or paraphrasing, which is also a useful skill to learn in your target language).Try writing out the recipe the way it would appear in a cookbook, with an ingredient list at the top and a description of what steps need to be taken in the imperative. Of course, youll need to use common sense to decide if something doesnt quite add up or seems like a bad idea (please dont set anything on fire unless its part of the recipe and you know exactly what youre doing).If you have doubts, you can keep going back and watching the video until you feel confident. Then, when youre ready, head into the kitchen.Learning languages with YouTube addresses so many language-learning needs that you may as well just make it your main study resource.Enjoy your videos, and happy learning!Elisabeth Cook is a language enthusiast and book blogger who writes about literature (and occasionally languages) on Lit All Over.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Science and Ecology Crash Course - What is Required

Science and Ecology Crash Course - What is RequiredSo you want to get a biology crash course? If so, and you are in need of a basic biology curriculum, this is an easy method to learn that you will never regret. It is worth reading through what is required of a biology course before you decide whether to complete the required curriculum.In order to study a biology class, you have to have your laptop, and you need to prepare a minimum of a textbook, and a book of notes. This is very important if you are taking a Biology crash course. You need to be able to use that textbook, and this is what is needed for those who are serious about getting a biology course.The first step in your biology crash course is that you must study biology and natural science at the same time. For this, you should read a biology textbook that contains natural science information as well as biological units. Then, once you have completed the biology lesson, you should go to the biology library. Here, you can ac cess some books and DVDs related to the classes that you have completed, as well as a whole lot of reading material.There are several websites available online, where you can look up many classes that you need for a biology crash course. If you are looking for a biology lesson from the required curriculum, then you can find it easily by reading the credits required from the Biology course or courses for Biology crash course. All the other online resources are not quite so efficient and may not offer the best kind of information that you require for a biology course.Once you complete a biology lesson that you have chosen, then you can be sure that you have mastered every single part of the lesson, and you will be ready to move on to other lessons in a Biology crash course. These lessons are what will make up the remaining information in that day's lesson, as well as the biology lab reports. There are many possible ways that you can be guided into your Biology crash course, but you ha ve to take your time, and make sure that you choose a course that best suits your own interests. Otherwise, you will end up choosing a course that does not suit your personal needs, as you may not be in a position to move on in the course later on.At the end of your Biology crash course, you should be ready to continue on with biology, and once you have learnt the essentials, you will be prepared to advance into the next level of your biology education. You will now have a much more enjoyable experience, because you will have learnt more about the world, and the environment around you.

Analytical Chemistry Journals - Bringing New Information To The Forefront

Analytical Chemistry Journals - Bringing New Information To The ForefrontAnalytical Chemistry Journals offers new insights into the world of drug discovery and how to improve existing methods. These are some of the most recognized journals in the world of research and analysis of organic chemistry and pharmaceuticals.Studies reveal that today's pharmaceutical market values fluctuate depending on economic and political situations. One thing that is becoming more clear is that these discoveries and advancements can only be made with the cooperation of scientists working together. Due to this, the demand for analytical chemistry journals has increased dramatically over the past decade. Using techniques like open access publishing and web publishing, more high-quality information is now available online.In recent years, a great deal of worldwide recognition has been accorded to analytical chemistry journals and publishers. They have not only grown into the role of being the world's autho rity on research and development, but also as the catalyst for more publications and ideas in the area of medicines.The number of analytical chemistry journals currently in print can be counted on one hand. Although a vast majority of the world's scientists use standard, peer-reviewed journals, there are a few which adhere to certain principles. For example, they will publish research in a manner that makes the paper immediately accessible, so that scientists from all walks of life can access the same information.Some of the most respected analytical chemistry journals today are Biochemical Pharmacology and Drug Discovery. The Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences publishes articles and technical reports related to biological and pharmacological compounds. Pharmacopsychiatry publishes articles and reviews in the field of pharmacotherapy. The Journal of Chemical Pharmacology provides an extended discussion of the biochemistry and pharmacology of selected compounds.Because most publisher s in the United States to distribute their publications directly to libraries, it is possible to discover a broad variety of topics presented in publications published by the publisher itself. This enables users to view both current issues and those that may be out of print. Another benefit is that certain scientific journal publishers have developed partnerships with universities that offer a wide variety of software tools that allow users to search for specific information. This offers convenience for scientists, teachers, and the general public.You do not need to depend solely on the analytical chemistry journals to help you understand and participate in research. You can download detailed reports or follow-up reports from these journals. Some of these publications are easily found online through links found within the article. Still others are available in your local library or through the Internet.

How to Improve Your Spanish in 30 Minutes a Day

How to Improve Your Spanish in 30 Minutes a Day Suzy S. Whether you love science fiction, romance, or adventure, using non-academic books to learn Spanish is a fun way to improve your speaking skills! Learn more in this guest post  from Honolulu tutor  Jinan B... Reading books in Spanish is an inexpensive, portable, and convenient way to improve your Spanish skills. In this article Ill review the many ways reading books in Spanish will help you learn the language so that you can begin using this effective and enjoyable tool of reading the written Spanish word. Expand Your Vocabulary The first reason to use books to learn Spanish is to improve and expand your vocabulary. Acquiring a rich and complex vocabulary is one of the most challenging elements of language study, and reading in Spanish naturally enhances vocabulary learning. By reading fiction and non-fiction books on a variety of subjects, you will gain a vocabulary far beyond what you find in most Spanish textbooks, which are simply a starting point for your vocabulary bank. Furthermore, reading in Spanish allows you to gain understanding of unknown words through the context, thereby increasing your overall understanding of sentence structure, parts of speech, and typical vocabulary usage in the language. Improve Your Understanding of Phrases and Ideas On a related note, reading in Spanish also stretches your understanding of complex phrases and ideas that you might otherwise have trouble grasping. When you are reading, you can use the context (as well as cognates) to increase your understanding. You also have the ability to read slowly and re-read, which is another reason why reading in Spanish is a wonderful complement to aural exercises and listening to Spanish. Moving at your own pace while reading means that you can over time gain a deeper understanding of the language by reading thoroughly and utilizing the context and your previous knowledge of Spanish. Reading also encourages overall familiarity with the language, and increased ease in using the language. Try reading a passage out loud, then silently, taking as much time as you need to comprehend the passage, and then again out loud to see if you hear a difference in your fluency and ease in speaking. Improve Your Writing Skills Another skill that reading in Spanish improves is writing. By reading works of famous Spanish authors, youll get a sense of the rhythm and style of the written language, allowing you to glean inspiration to write in a similarly appropriate style and tone. You can even make a list of new words you are acquiring by reading and then try to write an essay or other written work incorporating some or all of the new words. Bonus: Try your hand at these Spanish writing prompts!   Learn More About the Language Overall Most of all, reading works in Spanish gives you a deeper understanding of the cultural implications behind Spanish language usage. Try reading works from a variety of Hispanic cultures and notice the differences in word choice, style, and sentence structure. Visualizing the connection between culture and language increases your cultural sensitivity in speaking with and writing to native Spanish speakers, and allows you to have a deeper awareness in choosing how and what to communicate in Spanish. That will certainly increase your depth, skill, and usage of the Spanish language! With all of these benefits in mind, improving your Spanish language skills is as easy as visiting your local library or browsing the foreign language section of a bookstore. And if you have questions about something you read, you can always bring in a passage to work on with your Spanish language teacher or tutor â€" they’ll appreciate your interest and motivation! Jinan B. tutors in Honolulu, HI. She is currently an  Assistant Professor in the Department of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, teaching various courses including  Community Nutrition, Concepts in Nutrition Education, and Advanced Child and Adolescent Nutrition.  Learn more about Jinan here!   Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  Gildas Le Mentec

4 Steps to Networking Naturally - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 4 Steps to Networking Naturally - Introvert Whisperer 4 Steps to Networking Naturally Career Attraction August 18, 2014 Networking, Personal Branding No responses Go to top Networking … ugh. It so daunting. So nerve-wracking. The awkward hellos, flamboyant bios, feigned interest and fake smiles. Networking is overwhelming due to the silly pressure we put on ourselves to be fabulous and interesting. But you know what? Done right, it works. Every time. We naturally network on a daily basis. We seek a referral for a good doctor or a real estate agent from a colleague. We ask our neighbor for a great restaurant or movie recommendation. Why can’t this easy flow of helping each other work in the job market, too? It can. It does. Here’s how: 1. “You Gotta Be You”: Exude Your Personal Brand Authenticity is the key to connecting and resonating with people. If you’re a bit nervous, share that. The other person will likely put you at ease or share their discomfort as well. Ensure your appearance matches the way you really feel and wish to be perceivedâ€"professional, comfortable, stylish. Either way, it needs to look and feel truly “you.” Be proud to share who you are. 2. “Do Your Homework”: Understand Your Market If you’re attending an event for a professional association, a local chamber of commerce or even a neighborhood barbecue, understand who your audience is and why they are there. This creates your first level of commonality and topics for discussion. Research the event’s speaker or history of the organization so you have interesting items to share to further the discussion. 3. “Listen with Your Eyes Open”: Be Engaged and Engaging The art of conversation is to truly listen. Don’t speak over someone excitedly. Listen attentively and patiently. But, do so in an engaging mannerâ€"with great eye contact, open body language, letting your body and face show that you “hear” them. Have a few questions ready to start a conversation, or when someone is sharing with you, further the conversation with questions you ask. This shows you care about what they’re saying and builds a connection. 4. “Reconnect”: Follow Up and Re-engage Thank the person you’re speaking with for the conversation. Ask for permission to reach out to them in the future for further discussion or recommendations. Then send them a handwritten thank you note, which will create a personable, lasting impression. Share why you can help each other. Networking isn’t a competition to outshine everyone in the room. It’s an opportunity to meet someone new and see how you can help each other. If you bulldoze an event with personality and forced charm, you fragment the energy in the room and do yourself a disservice. However, if you approach networking with energy, enthusiasm and exude a genuine sense of caring about the other person, you’ll have made a new friend and contact. Networking is good manners, good conversation and a helping handâ€"which always works. What do you find the hardest part of networking? Share your thoughts with us in the comments! This post originally appeared on Career Attraction. Go to top Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.   Grab yours by visiting: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential.

Going to Porto

Going to Porto What You Need to Know Before Travelling to Porto ChaptersWhat Are the Different Neighbourhoods in Porto?How Much Does it Cost to Visit Porto?Where Should You Stay in Porto?When Should You Visit Porto?“Everything you need to know you have learned through your journey.” - Paulo CoelhoWhile Spain and Portugal share the Iberian Peninsula, Portugal covers a much smaller part of it than its larger neighbour. However, as any travel guide will tell you, there are plenty of things to see and do in Portugal and Porto, in particular.Porto is Portugal’s second city and an increasingly popular destination for spending a weekend or longer. From the historic centre with its typical architecture to cruises on the River Douro, the fine examples of Azulejo, or the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Porto has a few tricks up its sleeves.Porto was voted the best tourist destination in Europe for the third time in 2017.Not bad, is it?There are plenty of reasons to visit northern Portugal, the Douro Valley, or the paved streets of the old port city.Port o is a large city with a lot to offer.So how can you get the most out of Porto? So what should you know about Porto before you visit it? Is the tram expensive?All these answers and many more can be found in this article. IrineuPortuguese Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GabrielaPortuguese Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoanaPortuguese Teacher 5.00 (1) £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouisePortuguese Teacher 5.00 (2) £27/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RodrigoPortuguese Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors BlancaPortuguese Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CarolinaPortuguese Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamPortuguese Teacher 5.00 (6) £11/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat Are the Different Neighbourhoods in Porto?Like most cities, Porto is divided into neighbourhoods and areas, each with a different vibe, famous monuments , and hospitality. When you visit this beautiful, romantic, and welcoming city, you might feel a bit lost with so much on offer. Certain neighbourhoods are better than others if you fancy a night on the tiles. (Source: olafpictures)Don’t panic, we’re here to help.You can divide Porto into two main sections: the city centre and the suburbs.Porto City CentreOf all the different neighbourhoods in Porto, the historic city centre, or old town, is home to plenty of typically Portuguese streets and buildings.The Ribeira neighbourhood is adjacent to the historic centre. This area includes the most important sights in Porto, including:The Lello Bookstore, which inspired J.K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter.The Clérigos Tower, one of Porto’s must-see sights.The Bolhão Market for an authentic experience in Porto.The São Bento Railway Station and it’s fine Azulejo.Palácio da Bolsa (Stock Exchange Building) is wonderful.Cais da Ribeira, the quays by the banks of the Douro in the Ribeira neighbourhood are a great place to go for a walk.And many others!This neighbourhood leads onto Vila Nova, one of Porto’s surrounding suburbs.Porto’s SuburbsVila Nova de Gaia can be accessed by crossing the famous Dom Luís I Bridge and is home to plenty of wine cellars filled with Port, the famous wine from the city itself.We should also mention São Nicolau, an area of the city that’s just as interesting as the city centre and home to the Soares dos Reis National Museum, Palácio de Cristal, and Quinta da Macieirinha romantic museum.Boavista is one of the more typical neighbourhoods with its fashion boutiques and trendy restaurants. This is a great place to make the most of the nightlife in the city!Find out more about Porto's neighbourhoods.How Much Does it Cost to Visit Porto?Of all the money you’ll have to spend to visit Porto, the flights there are the most significant costs. The cheapest way to get there is by air using a low-cost airline such as Ryanair, Vueling, or EasyJet. For as little as £30, you can get flights to Porto and get yourself a pasteis de nata. You'll probably be flying to Porto, but how much does it cost? (Source: bilaleldaou)There’s a good choice of accommodation in Portugal and you can find hotels, furnished holiday flats, youth hostels, or even guesthouses and you can spend between £15 for a dormitory in a youth hostel and £50 for a hotel room or Airbnb. You should keep in mind that CouchSurfing is free and you’ll stay at somebody’s home.It’s much cheaper to eat in the Porto than in the UK. You can pay around £10 for a meal in a basic restaurant and around £1 for a coffee. This is where your money will go the furthest and where you can get the most enjoyment out of Porto.You should bear in mind that you’ll have to pay to visit most of the city’s monuments, excluding the Palácio de Cristal, and the Centro Portugues de Fotografia.Lello Bookstore: €5Stock Exchange Building: €8 (adult) and €4.50 (child)Porto Cathedral: €3Clérigos Tower: €5Casa do Infante: €2.20Serralves Foundation: €10When it comes to getting around the city, the most cost-effective way is to get an Andante Card, a €0.60 travel card that you can top up for €1.20 a journey on the bus and metro and use on the tram and the funicular railway.A taxi ride will cost you between €4 and €6 (and €20 if you’re going to the airport).You can also get a Douro river cruise for €12 for 50 minutes and see another side of the city and even the mouth of the river at the Atlantic Ocean.You might want to get Portuguese tutorials before you go!Where Should You Stay in Porto?“I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list.” - Susan SontagWe’ve just mentioned the different types of accommodation you can get, but where should you stay in Porto?With Airbnbs, pensão (Portuguese guesthouses), hotels, flatshares, and even youth hostels, each neighbourhood has its specialities. In terms of accommodation, you can also split Porto into the city centre and suburbs. Your budget will affect where you can stay when you're in Porto. (Source: nuno_lopes)In the centre, you’ll be closer to all the tourist attractions and the River Douro, where you can walk in the evening.What’s better than having a drink on the quayside opposite the Dom Luís I Bridge?On the other hand, this all comes at a cost and the most expensive accommodation, especially during the high season, will be found in the city centre. Availability can also be an issue as the city centre is very popular. Of course, these neighbourhoods are touristy, central, and can sometimes burn a hole in your pocket.The surrounding neighbourhoods and suburbs have the advantage of being cheaper, quieter, and each has a particular feel. Be careful though as some might be very far from the monuments you want to see:Boavista, in the northwest of the city, is full of shops and restaurants.Miragaia, near the old town and the Douro, is very quiet.Massarelos, to the west of the city centre, is full of stu dents and is the best value for money.Porto is a very accessible city and you’ll want to choose your neighbourhood based on what you want to see.Don't forget that you can find Portuguese tutorials on Superprof, too.Find out more about the cost of visiting Porto.When Should You Visit Porto?Over the years, more and more people have decided to visit Porto thanks to cheap flights. Some periods throughout the year are better than others for visiting the city.So when should you visit Porto and why?Let’s have a look. Ideally, you'll want to visit Porto when the weather is nice and it's not too crowded. (Source: nuno_lopes)Your first criteria when choosing when to visit Porto should be the weather. We often want to go on holiday when the weather’s at its best but the winters in Porto aren’t that bad either.The summer period runs from April to November and it’ll be warm with July, August, and September being the warmest months. The other months of the year aren't that bad either!However, if you want to go at the hottest time of the year, you need to bear in mind that plenty of other tourists will also descend upon the city. If you want to go for quiet walks through the city, you probably want to opt for the low season.Spring and autumn are a good time to visit because the weather’s still nice and there are fewer tourists about! If you’re looking for peace and quiet, avoid the summer.There are also events throughout the year in Porto, especially once the summer arrives.Whether you’re vis iting for a couple of days or a whole week, there are plenty of things to do in Porto including wine-tasting and visiting gardens.So while there’s something for everyone at Porto, there are certain activities which are better at certain times of the year. In short, Porto is home to everything Portugal has to offer.Are you ready to go?Whether you're interested in seeing a UNESCO World Heritage Site, cruising down the Douro River, drinking some Port Wine, the largest city in the north of Portugal is waiting for you.Before you go, you might want to learn some of the lingo from one of the many talented tutors on Superprof. If you get a tutor from Porto, they could also act as your travel guide!

Our Tips To Travel In Italy!

Our Tips To Travel In Italy! Everything You Should Do While Visiting Italy ChaptersSightseeing In Italy's Most Famous CitiesVisit The Most Famous Italian MuseumsWhat To Budget To Travel In ItalyFind Accommodation In the Italian PeninsulaIf you want to go on holiday to Italy, you have made the right choice!Indeed, the Italian peninsula is one of the best countries to visit in Southern Europe, whether you go to Northern Italy or Southern Italy. With its many monuments and sites listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Italian cities are full of historic localities and fine sandy beaches!The Italian boot heel is, therefore, the ideal place to go on a trip as part of a cheap stay that will give you the chance to discover Italian gastronomy, the cultural bounty of the Italian civilisation amongst which feature archaeological sites and volcanoes!Superprof offers to help to guide  you throughout this magical country and discover the most beautiful Italian cities and their most famous monuments.In addition, you will find all the information you need to prepare your b udget for a trip to Italy and to find accommodation from the Sicilian island to the Italian Riviera and the Amalfi coast!Take some Italian language courses before your trip to Italy. DanielaItalian Teacher 5.00 (9) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LuciaItalian Teacher 5.00 (4) £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarilùItalian Teacher 5.00 (8) £22/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarcoItalian Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AntonellaItalian Teacher 5.00 (2) £14/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GiusyItalian Teacher 5.00 (3) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EnricoItalian Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FedericaItalian Teacher 5.00 (2) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsSightseeing In Italy's Most Famous CitiesUrban tourism in Italy is the best way to be immersed in Italian culture and discover the wonders of this country. Here is a sample of the most famous touri st cities on the Italian peninsula!Rome, the Italian capitalVisiting Rome, where all roads lead, is a mandatory part of a trip to the Italian peninsula!The city of Rome is called the eternal city because of its very rich history dating back to the centuries during which the Roman Empire exercised political hegemony throughout Europe and North Africa. As a result, it is dotted with archaeological remains of inestimable value.Rome's historical heritage is varied, but the most famous monuments that you must absolutely see there are undoubtedly the Colosseum and the Roman Forum!In addition, Rome harbours the papal city in its heart, with the famous Basilica of St. Peter, the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel. Citing everything there is to see in the capital would be too long, so come and discover the joys of a Roman stay for yourself, from the Trevi Fountain to the Villa Medici!Siena, an architectural gem in TuscanySiena is a must if you travel in Tuscany. With its many Gothic arch itecture buildings such as its Duomo (cathedral), it offers an extraordinary medieval Italian atmosphere, especially if you are in the middle of Piazza del Campo!In addition, the former administrative headquarters of the Sienese Republic now houses the Museo Civico, which contains many frescoes such as the famous Allegory and Effects of Good and Bad Government of Lorenzetti!Conclusion: Siena has a unique charm that needs to be discovered, so hurry up! Destination Italy!Learn how to say buonsera before you holiday in Tuscany Source: Pixabay Credit: Cal PrestBergamo, the city on two floorsLocated near Italian Lakes such as Lake Como, Bergamo is a splendid city, divided between its upper city, Città Alta (the historic heart of Bergamo) and a more modern part, Città Bassa.It is considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in Lombardy. Also, lovers will be able to discover local gastronomy while enjoying the beautiful architecture!Castelmazzano, the lost village in ItalyLocated in the south of Italy, Castelmazzano has the particularity of being a city totally surrounded by rocks!Whether during the day or at night, visiting this hidden gem it is wholly exotic. The night lights enhance the amazement of tourists.Special mention to the Volo dell Angelo (The Angel Flight), a cable that lets you reach the village of Pietrapertosa at more than 110 kph above the void, an experience rich in sensations!Join some of the best  Italian Classes London.Venice, the city of loversThe city on the water is one of the most famous cities in Italy and not for nothing!Here is all that it is possible to see and visit in the serene Venice:Take a gondola ride on the Grand Canal,Visit the Doge's Palace,Discover Saint Mark's Square,Pass over the Bridge of Sighs,Participate in the Venice Carnival.An obligatory stop for tourists eager to discover Italian History as much as for romantics in Italy for their honeymoon!Visit The Most Famous Italian MuseumsThere are many monuments to visit in the Italian peninsula during your travel there!The Duomo of Milan, a holy and sacred placeIn the capital of the Italian fashion industry, is one of the most beautiful architectural pieces in the whole peninsula: the Milanese cathedral, also known as the Duomo of Milan!Very spectacular, the religious building refers directly to Gothic architecture and testifies of the rich historical and artistic heritage of the Milanese people.Climbing up there offers an exceptional panoramic view of the city. Not to be missed!Venice, Pompeii, or Rome? If your child wants to become multilingual, you should take them on a trip to Italy. (Source: ruins of Pompeii, vestiges of an ancient history.In 79 A.D., the city of Pompeii was buried under the lava of Mount Vesuvius, the neighbouring volcano. Since then, the ruins of the city remain, witnesses of the ancient past of this place near the Bay of Naples!A true historical wonder, it would be a pity to miss the visit of these world-famou s remains, whose history still fascinates us so much!The Roman forum, past glory of the EmpireIn the middle of the Italian capital, between buses and narrow streets, stand the remains of the Roman forum, the former Roman public square on which the most important temples and administrative buildings stood.Located between the hills of the Capitol and Mount Palatine, the forum has left its mark on Rome and it is now possible to visit the ruins that contain (among others):The temple of Vespasian,The Temple of Concord,The temple of Saturn,The Severe Septimius Bow,Julia's Basilica,The temple of the Dioscuri,The temple of Antonine and Faustina,The Arch of Titus,The Arches of Augustus.In other words, it will take a whole afternoon to visit everything and immerse yourself in the ancient history of Rome!The Tower of Pisa, a leaning wonderThere is no need to present the very famous leaning tower that has made the city of Pisa famous!Built from the 12th century, it was used as a bell tower to t he adjoined cathedral, Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta. It is, of course, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the view from the top is incredible!Surprisingly, since 2013, the tower seems to have straightened itself out (4 cm in 2018) after centuries of subsidence!The Colosseum, symbol of the greatness of RomeAn emblematic monument of the Eternal City, the Roman Colosseum is the most famous amphitheatre in Italy!Built under the Emperors Vespasian and Titus, the Colosseum is the largest building of Roman antiquity and is now the most visited monument in the capital.Inside, it is possible to discover the old bleachers and basements of the arena, which are now in a very dilapidated state due to time. A few parts are missing, but a slight effort of imagination makes it possible to appreciate the grandeur of this battlefield and entertainment space for the Romans!What To Budget To Travel In ItalyYou may be wondering if it will take a lot of money to travel to Italy. Superprof gives you al l the tips to know how to budget and prepare for a trip to Italian!Accommodation in the Italian peninsula As in the UK, in Italy, there are many types of accommodation available to suit all budgets!The part of the budget dedicated to accommodation is often the biggest expense you may incur when travelling abroad, so spending time comparing and researching for the best hostel or hotel will be worth it. The ideal choice would be to combine practical, inexpensive and comfortable accommodation.For tight budgets, youth hostels seem to be a good option, just as much as couch surfing, going to live with the locals for free. If you have a little more money, hotels or Airbnb allow you to visit Italy in a more comfortable way. The average price of hotel rooms is £60 per night, a cost that should guarantee a more pleasant experience during your stay!Visiting Italy and its thousands of restaurantsOne of the pleasures of a holiday abroad is of course to taste the local cuisine. In this aspect, Italian cuisine is not the last: Italian dishes are among the most famous in the world!In restaurants, prices are essentially slightly cheaper as in the UK: about £22 for a 3-course meal. Be careful, however, with the water and bread that cost an extra fee!If you buy food in supermarkets, you will find that Italian prices are lower than those found in France.Obviously, prices will be higher in large cities such as Rome, Naples, Florence or Bologna than in more remote regions, such as Sicily, Calabria or Puglia. However, your wallet should not be too bulky and you will be able to enjoy a nice glass of Chianti without ruining yourself.Tips to manage your budget for an Italian stayIf you have a limited budget, you will have to calculate each expense so as not to get into trouble with your bank!In terms of accommodation, opting for couch surfing will save you money. Similarly, to travel, public transports are the ideal solution to avoid bankruptcy: a metro ticket costs less than £1.5, much cheaper than a taxi.Coffee lovers should not have hard time-saving money as espressos and cappuccinos will often be half the price found in the UK. Same goes for wine lovers, as part of the Italian tradition, a glass of wine will often come with a complimentary snack.Finally, our advice is to set a sum to spend each day: so you won't have any unpleasant surprises! So, no pressure, even if you have to know that Italy is not at all a dangerous place for your wallet if you are reasonable!Emperor Hadrian, was responsible amongst other things, for the erection of the wall that was name after him. The wall marked the frontier of the Roman Empire even though it has been proven that the influence of Rome spread even further.Find Accommodation In the Italian PeninsulaYou don't need to be a Jeff Bezos to be able to afford accommodation in Italy!There are several types of housing available for small budgets. The first of these is camping, the most economical way, even in the UK. Obviousl y, this is particularly true in rural Italy, more so than in large cities. The prices are very reasonable: between £8 to £ 16 per day in high season, and between £5 and £20 for a pitch.Another more original and completely free solution is couch-surfing, where you can stay with the locals in exchange for small services, gifts or even nothing at all. You still have to trust the person you're going to!Finally, there are Italian youth hostels, the Ostelli per la Gioventù, which offer rooms at unbeatable prices: between £15 and £30 per night!Accommodation for a mid-range budgetIf you have a little extra money to spend, use it on better accommodations and make your stay a little bit more comfortable.First, Airbnb allows you to rent an apartment for a short period of time. This is a relatively inexpensive solution, although it depends on the location and size of the dwelling.Hotels, the old fashioned way of doing things, still represent the type of accommodation most used by travell ers. There are two types: pensions (from 1 to 3 stars) and albergo (4 and 5 stars). The first ones offer honest rates between £30   (single room) and £50 (double room) on average.To find your way around all these hotels, you can go on easy-to-use applications such as Alberghi in Italia or Hotels those wanting to splash out With a large budget or comfortable finances, no need to look at the expense. Stay in the most prestigious hotels on the Italian peninsula and make the most of your trip!Absolute comfort can be purchased for £250 to £500 per night in the most beautiful hotels with sublime decorations and rich history.Similarly, the largest Airbnb open their doors to you for only 50 € per night on average for one person and up to 120 € for 4 people.Did it make you want to go to Italy? Rely serenely on Superprof to prepare your discovery trip of the peninsula! In order to be well prepared, you can also learn Italian online through Superprof!